Why Sweden?

Sweden's small, competitive economy relies heavily on foreign trade. The country is recognised for its good working conditions and practices and its jobs market is among the strongest in the world.

Major industries include:


Finance and insurance


Real estate.

Some of the world's biggest multinational companies are based in Sweden, including:








What is a Swedish Residence Permit?

People with high qualifications and work experience can obtain a residence permit to come to Sweden and look for work or explore the possibilities of starting their own business.

What is the duration of a Swedish Residence Permit?

The permit may be granted for a minimum of three months and for no more than nine months.

How much funds are required as financial support for the Swedish Residence Permit?

SEK 13,000(INR 97067.30) for each month

What are the requirements for a Swedish Residence Permit?

Hold a Master’s Degree, Doctorate Degree (such as a PhD) or other advanced degree

Plan to look for jobs in Sweden or explore options to start a business in Sweden

Show proof of funds that you can support yourself while living in Sweden

Complete the Swedish Residence Permit Application

Pay the governmental fees

Attend the consular interview and bring the required documents

Possess a passport that will be valid while you are living in Sweden

Have adequate health insurance during your stay in Sweden

Receive your Residence Permit and travel to Sweden to seek employment or start your own business!

What are the benefits of a Swedish Residence Permit?

Live in Sweden legally for up to 9 months to seek employment or explore starting a business

Search for jobs in Sweden and interview in-person with employers

Explore the feasibility of starting your own business in Sweden

Once you secure a qualifying job in Sweden, you can apply for a Swedish Work Permit

In the event that you decide to start a business in Sweden, you can apply for a Residence Permit as a Self-Employed Person

Your spouse and dependent children can also apply for a Residence and Work Permit

After you live and work in Sweden continuously for 5 years and satisfy other criteria, you can apply for permanent residency in Sweden

Once you have been living in Sweden legally for a total of 5 consecutive years, are at least 18 years of age, and satisfy other criteria, you can apply to become a Swedish citizen!

For more information on Sweden Residence Permit please call +91 9980508815 Immigration IQ